Reach Week Projects
Food Pantry Donations & Reach Offering will be taken up during our worship service on Wednesday night, March 26th. Food Pantry list below.
Wednesday, March 26th
9a-12p | Spring Clean Children's Building (3rd floor)
9a-12p | Pressure Washing around Hillvue - Court Yard
9a-12p | Food Pantry @ Potter
9a-12p | Organize Resale Store @ Potter
10:30a-2:30p | WKU Feed
1-4p | Spring Clean Children's Building (3rd floor)
1-4p | Pressure Washing around Hillvue
1-4p | Organize Resale Store @ Potter
6:30p | Food Pantry Donations (Reach Center) & Reach Offering
Thursday, March 27th
Food Pantry Items Needed:
Boxes of Cereal
Canned Tuna Fish
Canned Chicken Breast
Peanut Butter (16 oz or less)
Squeeze Bottles of Jelly
Canned Fruit
Apple Sauce (24 oz.or less)
Mac & Cheese
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Pasta Sauce (24 oz. or less)
Apple Sauce
Saltine Crackers
Canned Corn
Canned Green Beans
Canned Soups
Ramen Noodles
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix