"For a wide door for effective work is open for me.” (1 Corinthians 16:9a) 

Here at Hillvue, our eyes have been opened to a work in our community. We are going to have the opportunity to be the hands and the feet of Jesus through ministering to our city. REACH is our church mission trip in our community, and we need everyone involved to help mobilize our church for the cause of Christ here in Bowling Green. We look forward to ministering with you!

Pastor Keith Scarborough


February Reach Projects

tuesday, february 11th

by 4p | Homemade Desserts

7:15-8:15p | NA/AA Feed

thursday, february 20th

by 4p | Homemade Desserts

7:15-8:15p | NA/AA Feed


REACH Week is March 22-26!

REACH Week is an opportunity for our church to serve together throughout Bowling Green and the surrounding areas. We believe we are called, as followers of Jesus, to serve others so that His name would be known and glorified. During our REACH Weeks there are so many opportunities to serve local organizations as well as larger corporations and show them that they are loved and supported; from bringing food to first responders, to building a ramp at someone’s home, to baking desserts for different events, to supporting our schools in different ways. REACH Weeks give you the chance to use the gifts and resources God has given you in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need.

When projects are available, you can sign up here.